May 31, 2008

Angel-Capital, Ltd.

Quoting the Angel Capital official website:

Angel-Capital, Ltd. is a new FOREX trading company. However, with the professionalism and multi-year experience of the company's team as well as application of innovative techniques and delicate individual treatment of every particular client we intend to instill in our clients a high level of trust and confidence and take a firm place among international financial leaders.

My experience with Angel Capital has been mixed. I have invested in them twice and they have paid me both the times in full.

However, they have not been so communicative. Emails were never answered, calls were never picked and they were always late in processing the requests to withdraw money. My personal experience says, the best way to get hold of Angel Capital customer representative or the admin himself is to contact via Yahoo messenger of ICQ (the links to both are listed in the angel capital official website). Although my emails were not answered, they were quite prompt at helping me with withdrawing money whenever I contacted via instant messengers.

Part of the reason why my withdraw request processing was their script problem with E-Bullion (the funding source I normally use). Last time I communicated with the program admin via ICQ messenger, he informed me that they are working on fixing the problem.

Overall, Angel Capital, although not the best place to invest money, is not a bad place to invest either. In the scale of 10, I would give it a 6.5.

They have 3 plans for investments:

1. For $10 to $2,999 investments, you get 22% daily.

2. For $3000 to $39999 investments, you get 23.2% daily

3. For $40,000 to $500,000 you get 25% daily.

The interests are paid only on working days and like all other HYIPs, you run the risk of losing your investment.

May 29, 2008

Firefox better at fighting off Phishing than IE?

In the world of investment, phishing is probably the worst and most common scam around. Phishing can fool individuals into thinking that they are into legitimate websites, stealing sensitive information. The threat of phishing has been around for a while now and both firefox and Internet explorer has taken steps to combat phishing. But which one is better? Firefox 2 or IE 7

The SmartWare test, tested the integrated anti phishing warning features of firefox 2 and that of Internet Explorer 2

Yahoo News reported :

Both IE7 and Firefox have built-in antiphishing features designed to alert you when you’ve hit a fraudulent site. With Microsoft’s browser, antiphishing is turned on by default. Each Web site you visit is checked against a database maintained by Microsoft, and known frauds are blocked.

Firefox has two antiphishing options. With the first, the sites you visit are checked against a local database on your computer. With the second, the sites you visit are checked against a live database maintained by Google.

In the SmartWare test, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7 blocked 690 known phishing sites, or 66.35 percent of the total. In contrast, Firefox blocked 78.85 percent when using a local antiphishing database and 81.54 percent when using the online database.

Here's more detailed article on the test:

Firefox 2 Phishing Protection Effectiveness Testing

and here's a link to a Phishing IQ test :)

May 27, 2008

Ways of the gold

Believe it or not, many investors back away from investing in gold even if the know about ever increasing gold value. With the falling dollar value, the gold value has to rise making gold the perfect thing to invest in.

There are many ways one can invest in gold.

  • The first, and the easiest way that comes to mind is the ancient way of owning it. Buying American Eagles, Canadian Maples and equivalents is the way to go.
  • Buying gold through services like E- Bullion might be just another way to go.
  • Gold mutual finding is another viable option. It is basically buying stocks for companies like Newmont Mining or Barrick Gold that have assets in gold, or are into gold mining.
  • Owning parts of gold mines with junior gold stocks. Although this method has potential for huge returns. It is also risky.
  • ETF of Gold Exchange Traded Fund is probably the safest bet when it comes to investing in gold. These are mutual funds that own bullion itself and gets traded in a stock exchange. Streetracks Gold Trust and iShares COMEX Gold Trust are the two major players in that block.

Evidently, Nixon has laid the path to USD’s demise by removing the gold standard. I will not wait around for total depreciation of dollar value. I am going for some gold in my investment portfolio as soon as possible.

Golden Investments

With the US$ falling, there is no security in currency anymore. Parking money in the precious metals would be smart move in this age of inflation. Gold’s value in USD has increased quite a bit in last few years.

Here’s a chart showing just by how much Gold has increased in since 1995. Ever since 1997 there has not been any major devaluation of gold.

Since 2000’s $300 per ounce, it has come a long way nearing almost $1000 and that is more than 300%. Some people might think that it is too late to invest in gold now, but nothing can further than truth.

The gurus predict that the gold’s valuation will rise higher in years to come. There is no sight of decrease in near future.

According to analysts, the following will only help to push the rate of gold:

  • Oil prices in the past have only strengthened gold’s value, with the OPEC’s policy of keeping the oil prices high and increasing global demand for oil, the oil barrel price will keep increasing.
  • World’s gold demand has increased a lot. Jewelry’s demand alone, according to World Gold Council increased 37%
  • USD has fallen record low and that can only make gold prices go higher.
  • Foreign Governments like China are shifting dollar reserves to gold reserves.

I personally believe that not everyone can be rich at the same time; it is not a utopian world. With currency devaluation, the gold prices will shoot only higher. People investing in gold will win and people who are not are more than likely to lose.

Alcoholding Inc.

Quoting the words of AlcoHolding Inc. Admin - Grieg Neilson,

"AlcoHolding Inc. is a professionally managed private equity fund originally founded by five individuals, with the view of interlinking their businesses, creating additional source of investment capital, establishing a base for information sharing and mutual involvement in high risk/high yield investment opportunities. Mainstream fund activities are determined by professional interests of its founders, which include investments into companies involved in discounting securities, stock and commodity trading, real estate development, import-export operations, and FMCG stock lots wholesaling. "

This is one of the very few HYIPs where I would probably think about investing money in four figures, but then it is just me. So far, AlcoHolding has kept their promise and delivered what they advertised. I did not run into any problems or glitches. The transactions have been very smooth and they took care of my requests of withdraw and deposit usually in less than an hour.

I took a bold step and invested quite a bit in their monthly scheme recently, There is no denying the fact that not being able to see every day's earnings and waiting for a month to see the results makes me a bit uncomfortable. To make matters worse, seeing the total earnings is more than the total deposits in the program statistics makes me wonder if the program will collapse.

Even though I am not so sure whether investing in AlcoHolding Inc monthly scheme was the right choice, I can tell for certain that I feel a lot better than I would have if I had invested the same amount in other HYIPs. I will keep posting on experiences with Alcoholding INc. In the mean time, let's not forget the golden rule - Do not invest more than what you cannot afford to lose.

May 26, 2008

Security practices on the user end.

No matter how secure an electronic payment system ( e-gold, e-bullion, Liberty Reserve..etc ) might be or how tough and elaborate the security features of HYIP programs are, carelessness and the lack of knowledge in the user end can put everything in danger.

Here's a list of things a user should not to do.

  • Clicking on links sent by unknown people. Reason : You may be directed to a phishing site, or harmful cookies can compromise your privacy in many ways.
  • Filling out information fields in unknown websites. If you somehow end up in a website you do not know about, or you do not really trust, do not fill out information fields.
  • Do not open email messages from strangers, never download the attachments from these emails. Some of the attachments might contain Trojan and other viruses which has the ability to steal your account information.
  • Do not click yes to remember password option in your computer, specially in the shared PCs
  • Do not share your usernames and passwords with others. ( for obvious reasons)

And Here's a list of things you should do

  • Change your passwords frequently. That will make it harder to break in.
  • Always check the address field of the browser before filling out information fields, because it is easy to make a scam website look like authentic website by mimicking the HTML code. You can get tricked into updating account information, thus giving it away to the scammers.
  • Make sure that your computer has a firewall and Antivirus softwares installed. It is often not a good idea to put more than one antivirus or firewall in your system, it will decrease the effectiveness rather than increasing it, and will make your PC very slow. - Online Investment Monitoring Services

I have been in HYIP world for a few months now. In those few months, I have browsed hundreds of HYIP websites and dozens of investment monitoring services. The monitoring services critiques HYIP programs, so I decided to critique the moniters. I will start off by writing a review on

Of all the monitoring services I have browsed, by far is the best one I have ever seen. The forums are informative, friendly and moderated really well. People have room for complaints and the moderator takes prompt action on incidents. The seasoned investors in the forums are friendly and are quite helpful. The website looks authentic and the fact that even the premium HYIP programs are sometimes checked non paying shows the integrity of the website owner(s).

However, not everything of something can be good. The premium listing of HYIP program affects the overall HYIP ranking of a program greatly. This, I think, the investors should be looking out for while deciding where to invest based on the rankings of .


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