Take a good look at the value of gold now, wait for an hour and check it again. They will not be the same. With the gold value fluctuating this much, I do not understand why people invest in HYIPs with gold?
With the increasing world demand for gold, falling dollar value, increasing oil price and various other reasons, the value of gold is on the rise. This makes investing in gold a great idea. But investing with gold might not be the smartest thing to do.
How can anyone possibly use gold for transaction when gold’s value changes almost every hour? Whatever I invest in E-Gold or E-bullion might not have the same value an hour from now.
What if I intend to invest $1000 and I backed it up as gold. After an hour the price might drop to $900 since $100 drop is not so uncommon anymore when it comes to gold value. Similarly, $100 rises in an hour is not very uncommon either. And that is 10% return on investment which I am willing to bet is more return than any legitimate HYIP that you will come across can provide.
(picture taken from : www.monex.com)
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