In the world of investment, phishing is probably the worst and most common scam around. Phishing can fool individuals into thinking that they are into legitimate websites, stealing sensitive information. The threat of phishing has been around for a while now and both firefox and Internet explorer has taken steps to combat phishing. But which one is better? Firefox 2 or IE 7
The SmartWare test, tested the integrated anti phishing warning features of firefox 2 and that of Internet Explorer 2
Yahoo News reported :
Here's more detailed article on the test:Both IE7 and Firefox have built-in antiphishing features designed to alert you when you’ve hit a fraudulent site. With Microsoft’s browser, antiphishing is turned on by default. Each Web site you visit is checked against a database maintained by Microsoft, and known frauds are blocked.
Firefox has two antiphishing options. With the first, the sites you visit are checked against a local database on your computer. With the second, the sites you visit are checked against a live database maintained by Google.
In the SmartWare test, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7 blocked 690 known phishing sites, or 66.35 percent of the total. In contrast, Firefox blocked 78.85 percent when using a local antiphishing database and 81.54 percent when using the online database.
Firefox 2 Phishing Protection Effectiveness Testing
and here's a link to a Phishing IQ test :)