May 27, 2008

Ways of the gold

Believe it or not, many investors back away from investing in gold even if the know about ever increasing gold value. With the falling dollar value, the gold value has to rise making gold the perfect thing to invest in.There are many ways one can invest in gold. The first, and the easiest way that comes to mind is the ancient way of owning it. Buying American Eagles, Canadian Maples and equivalents is the way to go. Buying ...

Golden Investments

With the US$ falling, there is no security in currency anymore. Parking money in the precious metals would be smart move in this age of inflation. Gold’s value in USD has increased quite a bit in last few years. Here’s a chart showing just by how much Gold has increased in since 1995. Ever since 1997 there has not been any major devaluation of gold. Since 2000’s $300 per ounce, it has come a long way nearing almost $1000 and that is...

Alcoholding Inc.

Quoting the words of AlcoHolding Inc. Admin - Grieg Neilson,"AlcoHolding Inc. is a professionally managed private equity fund originally founded by five individuals, with the view of interlinking their businesses, creating additional source of investment capital, establishing a base for information sharing and mutual involvement in high risk/high yield investment opportunities. Mainstream fund activities are determined by professional interests...


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